Powered by MyKnowledgeMap
Openbadges.me, crafted by the folks at MyKnowledgeMap, is all about giving you a slick way to show off your skills, achievements, and all the cool stuff you’ve learned or earned.
These digital badges are not just portable; they're also super secure, making it easy to strut your stuff to the world. With Openbadges.me, managing and sharing your creds with employers, colleagues, and friends is a breeze. Plus, you've got options to blend this tech right into your current systems, whether you want full integration or just a bit of white labelling.
Ready to light up your future? Let Openbadges.me give you a hand with that first step!
The Future of Digital Credentials
MyKnowledgeMap has led the way in innovative, leading and life changing learning technology projects since its inception over 20 years ago.
Initially founded upon supporting trainees in medicine and healthcare with mobile assessment technology, MyKnowledgeMap has since invested in developing a comprehensive portfolio of innovative learning technology platforms that support educational institutions and training providers worldwide.
Open Badge Technology
Designed by MyKnowledgeMap